New from Ideon Design, a branch of the reputable SitOnIt Seating, is Envoi- the first lounge offering of its kind to feature flexing technology. What makes Envoi special is its innovative design- when you move, it moves too. A synthesis of great design, ergonomics, and comfort, Envoi was designed for Ideon by award winning artist Claudio Bellini and is available in both midback or highback models. The unparalleled comfort of the flexible backrest combined with rest of the chair’s flower petal-like curvature results in a timeless seating solution that pairs well with a wide spectrum of environments- offices, educational spaces, and Envoi is also an attractive piece for home environments. Available in three different wood or metal options and also with an auto-returning cylinder base, Envoi can be specified with thousands of different textile options, ensuring its ability to harmonize with the existing design present in your space. A refreshing new approach to seating- Ideon’s Envoi can help improve the seating experience for you- and look forward to helping make that happen.