New from KFI Studios is Tioga- a beautiful new line of guest and lounge seating. Tioga arrives as result of Union Design’s expert approach to seating- the design notes present in all of Tioga models promote a minimalist look and feel that results from the arched back's uninterrupted connection to the chair’s rear legs. Timeless, sophisticated, and modern, Tioga arrives in a collection of guest, lounge, barstool, and counter height chairs that combine form and function with stellar results. Great for lounge areas, collaborative zones, waiting spaces, cafes, educational environments, and more, Tioga is specifiable in many different combinations of laminates, powdercoated finishes, and with both felt and upholstery options in a variety large enough to ensure the perfect look for the style of your firm. Tioga is also offered with or without arms, and the collection is stackable for easy and quick storage. Take a moment to explore the collection, and when you’re ready, we look forward to bringing Tioga to your office.
Mason Inc.