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  • Writer's pictureMason Inc.

Heya Lounge

Meaning ‘small room’ in Japanese, OFS’ new Heya Collection creates smaller, private spaces within a larger room. Designed by Roger Webb, Heya allows a bubble-like zone to think and relax in, and also creates a wonderful environment to collaborate with others. The popular open-plan offices and meeting spaces found in todays workplaces are great, but sometimes lack the sheltered privacy created by a confined space. Heya intends to solve this by lightly enveloping us in a soft, smooth fabric screens without creating a feeling of isolation- instead, these comfortable, relaxing zones allow us to feel connected and feature sound dampening felt that shields conversations. Heya is available in many different fabrics, colors, and in various configurations, each with different table, lamp, and leg style options. OFS have delivered a great new private lounge collection that will likely remain classic for many years to come.


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