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Reef By Jasper Group

Jasper Group presents Reef, a new line of excellent multipurpose tables well-suited for commercial and educational environments. Created to address the need for versatile furniture that reflects the assorted tasks presented by an average day, Reef is a space saving solution that remains aesthetically pleasing despite its varied function. From afar, Reef appears as an average worksurface, but a closer approach reveals refined utility underneath. There are many different layered styles are offered, and each Reef unit is special due to its storage capability. Offering everything from hidden power and USB outlets, tucked away bookshelves to cubbies, even private drawers and bag hanging hooks, the practical usage of Reef tables is immediately obvious. A desk can now become a capable environment for other collaborative uses, a conference table ready for casual dining, a postal table serving as a place to chat- every Reef table invites creativity and conversation. Dozens of different wood, paint, metal, and laminate finishes allow Reef to achieve a custom-crafted look that will surely enhance your environment.


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