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Improving the view with The Art of Nature

Nature art in window treatments boosts productivity

From our friends at Great American Art:

Studies show that exposure to nature and nature imagery reduce stress and improves productivity.

In healthcare spaces, nature art provides a positive distraction. This lessens the patient’s attention on physical and mental discomfort. And that can reduce the need for pain medication and shorten hospital stays. There are many ways to display nature art. The most stunning and creative applications use virtual windows, ceiling panels and window treatments.

Virtual windows and ceiling panels

Virtual windows and ceiling panels use backlit nature images to create the illusion of a view to the outside world. These art solutions work well in MRI and radiology suites, dental offices and waiting areas.

Window treatments

Window treatments use actual windows and natural light to create a more aesthetic view of the outside world. You can replace a disagreeable rooftop or parking lot view with a beautiful nature scene.

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